Yes, I cried. As she was loading her boxes to the car, I sneaked off to the bathroom for a little boohoo session. All I could think of was the day that I met her her. I will never forget the way I felt when I saw those pink chubby cheeks-both kinds! I heard...' have a big girl!' My eyes were reaching out to see my brand new baby while the nurses cleaned her up. I remember hearing the nurses & doctor take bets on who could guess her weight. A few said 8 or 9 lbs. But, my labor nurse who came back on her off duty to witness our delivery, said, "My guess is TEN pounds!" When they put all of her little pinkness on the scale, I heard...."na, na, na, na Can't Touch This!" Carmen (labor nurse) was on the money! I gave birth to a 10 pound baby girl. I love my sweet baby girl. She has been a joy to raise. From the day she was born, she has made me laugh & have not stopped laughing at her silliness ever since. Karmyn has a great big wonderful heart. I am very happy & proud of the lady that she has become. Also, I am glad that she is able to become independent. I hope she enjoys this new step forward in her life journey. But, I remind her often that she will always be my baby girl. I plan to bribe her with homecooked meals so that she will come visit at least once a week.
Even though I got kinda sad, I also got kinda happy. I now have an extra room for all my photography gear. Oh, man do I ever need that extra room. My 'world' (as Terry calls it) is just about to push us out the backdoor. TOO much! But, before I can completely claim that room there are a few more boxes that Karmyn has yet to pack. I borrowed Papa T's truck to help her move her bed and some bigger items. We were not able to move her chest of drawers and tv so her daddy will have to help us asap.
A few years ago, my brother built some custom cabinetry and desk area for her room. Look what is still left on her shelves. Homerun balls and Softball accolades and awards, Letterman Jacket and even a Homecoming Crown. I was there for every one of those moments. We lived it. We enjoyed it. We treasure the memories. Karmyn moved into her apartment a couple nights ago. She has not yet boxed up these things so I had to snap this picture. As the years go by, I am sure these High School Treasures will eventually make their way to a dust covered box in storage. Bittersweet.
And, The beat goes on...., da, da, da, daaaa.....
Hey Mama,
I think the way I feel about this shelf of memories reminds me of what you said when I moved to my first apartment. I heard you tell the story about what happened to you a day or so after I finished moving. You walked into my bedroom that was completely, 100% empty of all things "Tootiefied" (that's me). So, you were getting excited about how you were going to use the extra space. When you whooshed open my closet door, the force of the wind made the singularly, solitary item left behind start swinging on it's hanger. It was a pink velvet beauty pagent dress that you made for me when I was in the 4th grade.
So, now I know how you must have felt. Did you have a boohoo session too?
Today is a new day. No more boohoo! Azaleas are blooming in my backyard.
Good old hardy azaleas make me happy every spring.