Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 8 of 365, Saturday Morning Puzzle

Good Saturday Morning! It is 4:30 Am and I shuffled to the kitchen to start the coffee for Terry. He has to work today so that is the least I could do for my sweet husband. Brandon bought a 1000 piece puzzle last night and started putting it together, along with Karmyn. They left it laying out on the bar in the kitchen so I sleepily decided to try to find a few pieces while waiting for the brew.

Not very good at puzzles! My part in putting this puzzle together, was turning over the pieces and finding edges and corners. The rest, they put together themselves. What you do not see is a kajillion tiny pieces that are waiting for someone to find a place for them! Actually it is a 1000 tiny pieces.

Here it is, waiting for Karmyn and Brandon. I didn't get very far. Brandon put together the frame and Karmyn put together the roof that you see in the middle. It was so nice to see two 19 year olds completely enjoying themselves at home on a friday night. Not perfect, but good kids, I'd say.

note: my daughter is Karmyn and her boyfriend is Brandon.