Sunday, July 25, 2010

Earthy Evening Shade

earthy evening shade, originally uploaded by michelle*sibley.
Today, I posted to the Daily Photo Challenge. I really enjoy participating with a group of very encouraging and talented photographers. Every day a new challenge subject is posted. Today's topic was favorite color. I like lots of colors. I like to wear red. All bright colors and shades of blue remind me of water which is wonderful. Anyway, when it came time to decide on a a final image to post that represents my choice of colors, I chose earth tones. I find that the older I get, the more earthy I have become. I appreciate nature and natural things more now than ever. Remember when you were a kid or even young adult? The most fun vacation idea would be a great amusement park or some kind of physical adventure, right? For me, it was my choice. Now, at this stage in my life, I long to see the natural world and experience places that my eyes have never seen.   Just last night, Terry and I talked about how we appreciate all the places we have been and experienced.  But, we also were making a list of the places we hope to visit.   All of those places include unique landscapes with amazing natural views.

In the picture above, I captured the sun beginning to get low over the old oak trees at my husband's parent's home. I absolutely love those big swaths of golden highlight landing on the ground and tree on this evening. When I see that golden sun, I get so excited.  This is the color of my favorite time of the day.  I thought it created a beautiful and peaceful scenario with the benches under the tree.  Yet, for me, the subject of this image is the earthy colors.  The greens, golds and warm brown tones are what attracts my attention.  When I posted the image to my flickr group for discussion, some of the comments made me smile. So many said they thought this looked like a nice place to sit and relax or read a book. This was truly a great compliment because I knew that my image evoked a certain mood as they pictured themselves in this very setting.