Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 136 of 365, By George, I think she's got IT!

Today, I found this gorgeous little girl's images in my archived files. I remember the day that I captured them. I met her last March, as I was taking Portraits of a beautiful High School Senior girl. My Senior wanted to capture images with her horse that she had purchased with her own earnings. The location was the horse farm that she used to stable her horse. The owner gave us permission to use the entire pasture, barn, pond, etc. as our backdrop. We did get some amazing images that day. We were winding up our session when we noticed this little girl inching her way toward us. I could tell that she wanted me to take her picture. Before doing so, I called to her mom to get permission.  When given the ok, I told the sweet little one where I wanted her to stand or sit.  The posing?..My goodness, the posing was all her! She is a natural I believe. By George, I think she's got IT! I am sure you know what I mean by IT.  IT is that little something special that makes her unique...spaghetti sauce chin and all. :) I love these images. I think the combination of low setting sun filtering through her fine blond hair to her little pose techniques that were completely natural, down to the pensive half smile expression on her face. Again, By George, I think she's got IT, I'd say! I wish I knew her name.