Day 101 of 365, Mom has been the historian and directory pictorial photographer for her church since she joined Riverside. The church is wanting to publish an updated directory so she asked me to help her set up studio lighting in one of the classrooms. Once the lighting is in place, the whole process goes pretty quickly as the members and their family come to have their pictures taken. I did help her set up the lighting and we took test pics of each other to check for shadow and correct skin tones. Some of those test pics are doozies. Oh, my goodness. I picked out a few 'choice' pics of her and told her they would be perfect for my blog. :P I had to rethink that idea because she said she was going to get my 'best' pics and post them. I called her bluff because she doesn't have a blog. I taunted her with , "Where ya gonna post mine?" Promptly, she replied, "Everywhere!" whoa nelly! She trumped my threat because all I could picture was my goofy pics posted on the corner grocery store window. Uh, no thank you! Did I say doozies? Yeah, what I meant to say was dooooo-zeeees! So, too bad, no lighting test pics for the blog because the lighting test pics are in the Recycle Bin!
So, I will post my Daily Photo Challenge. Subject: Uncooked Food.
One heaping cup of Self Rising Flour.
I just thought of something. Remember that old commercial where the lady had been goofing off all day and then she realized the family would soon be home for dinner? She hustles to fix something fast and easy then before serving it, she threw a little flour in her own face. That is a pretty good idea if you ask me. I might need to try that one. When our kids were little, my former sister-in-law and I would either 'run the roads' or talk on the phone all day. So, just before our husbands came home, we would run dump some strong smelling cleaner like pine-sol in the toilet right before they walked in. Hey, this works girls. You gotta try it. Your hubby will walk in, take a big whiff and say, "I can tell you've been cleaning all day!" :)shhhhhh...Ancient Chinese Secret!