Today's Photo Challenge Subject is Crooked. Here are a few quick grab pics that I came up with. This is my kitchen table backlit by my eastern facing window light. Then, below I propped up the umbrella with a crooked handle. Would this qualify for crooked or curved? For my purposes today, I will call them crooked. For me to move on with my day, I had to get something nailed down because....
I really,really need to get some work done around here. It is Friday and I have a few errands to run also. I hear Terry outside working hard on the yard so I need to get myself into gear. But, you know what? If I know what my challenge is, I can hardly think about anything else until I get that 'in the can'. 'In the can' is old photography lingo from the film days when the job was complete and the roll of film was in the canister to be developed. Like do I think of this as my job or something? I don't know...~!
You know what I actually WANT to do? I want to go to our Old State Capital Building and get a pic of the interior Spiral Staircase. It is so beautiful because it is capped off by a gorgeous huge stained glass dome roof. I just might be able to do that if I can manage to de-clutter this house, mop the floors and finish with the general housework. So, now I have a goal. I will definitely get motivated and speed ball around here so that I can go on my Artist Date today! Ok, let me set my timer to give me a time limit incentive to just 'get'er done'! Also, I will crank up the music to boom all over the house so that I can do the Lindy Hop to IT!!!!
Please, don't rain on my parade!