I took this picture of Terry as he was capturing pics of the parade. Doesn't he look tall? He was so lucky because he could see over the top of most people's heads. I on the other hand didn't stand a chance. So, I typically stuck my camera up in the air and hoped that I was getting a shot of something.
Between parades, Spanish town & Krewe of Poseidon, I saw a group of little boys catching the football. I suddenly became so entertained by them. The little guys were on one end and the big guys (dads) were on the other. It looked like they were playing 'keep away football'. I started shooting away trying to capture some of the spirit of the all out fun they were having. As I was taking a picture of the boys, Terry took my picture. Here I am in my element. The boys, big and little, knew they were being photographed so can you say 'hot doggin'?

Here is a 90 sec slideshow with music of the Spanish Town Parade. Pause playlist at upper right sidebar.