Sunday, October 24, 2010

High School SENIORS photo shoot October 17, 2010 - Baleigh & Tiffany *Bonus Pics from my sisterCHICK...!

Baleigh and Tiffany were at the photo shoot bright and early Saturday morning.  And, when I say 'Bright' and early, I mean that sun was poppin'!  Now, I love that big beautiful sun. But, when the sun is so high overhead, it makes photography very dfficult.  We had a hard time finding even light. 

With all that said, I am happy to say that Baleigh and Tiffany's beauty outshone the sun! 

Thanks girls for bringing your smiling, willing faces to our photo shoot.  I wish I could have spent a bit more time with y'all actually.  I knew that you had your Jackette dance camp to attend so didn't want to keep you too long.  Oh, but believe me...I could have photographed you all day!

Bonus Pics from my sisterCHICK!

Below is a slideshow created using only pics taken by my partner photoCHICK, Melissa!  I love having Melissa around and working with her.  She is a blast and has such a passion for photography.  At one point, one of the girls looked down at me and said laughingly, "Look she's on her back on the ground over there!"  Then, she looked at Melissa and cracked up!  She said, "...and so is she!"  Yep, me and Melissa looked at each other with grass stuck in our hair and clothes and started giggling.  Both of us will do anything to 'get the shot'!  I hope you enjoy the slideshow with the files that she brought to me.   I enjoyed creating this slideshow.  Even though, we had the same model in front of us at the same time, our images have a different look.  She did a tad bit more tweaking to her color balance to create a more stylized effect while I left mine more natural.  I love seeing how every photographer's creations have their own signature look.