Today's Photo Challenge was Bridge. I left my house at around 7:30pm with my camera. I didn't want to go far from home to take a picture because I knew that I was losing light really fast. I knew there were small wooden bridges constructed to cross over the wide drainage canals at the local park. So, I headed that way. One of my flickr friends is the inspiration for the title of this post, "Bridge to the Light". She said this looked like a path to the light. I thought that was a poetic interpretation. Since the object of the challenge was bridge, I chose to caption this post..."Bridge to the Light". Thanks LaValle for the inspiration.
I love to watch people play. Here are two men practicing their sport. It had just rained and I could see them kick up a spray of water every now and then. I was so tempted to ask them if I could practice some action shots with water spray. Wouldn't that have been neat? I didn't have the nerve. Shucks! I did play around with some coloring on this one. I was trying to kick it up a notch.
For this shot of the kid on the bike, I had my apperture at 2.8 because I needed all the light my camera could take in at such a late time of day. I saw him coming around the path and took this shot. Obviously, I desaturated the colors to create this grainy black and white image. But, the motion blur that you see is authentic as shot. I was quite pleased and excited. I love how you get a real sense of speed thanks to my slower shutter speed.
Then, it had really gotten dark and I knew I needed to leave the park. I spotted this magnolia at about 9 feet above the ground. Luckily, I had my 105mm lens on my camera. I tried to capture the flower without flash but there was not enough light. So, I had to use my accessory flash to get a clear shot. It rained earlier so I got some bonus water droplets on the flower petal. I thought it turned out pretty.
Also, I got to see my sister and brother-in-law tonight. They were doing some fitness walking on the new walk path. I was sitting on the sidewalk with my camera stuck to my face while focusing on the the scene of the bridge above. When I realized they were coming around the bend, I yelled out to them, "I'm too sexy for the track!" hehee...truth is, I better get my lazy self on the track Pron-TO!