Sunday, March 7, 2010

Day 58 of 365, Baseball & Softball Season Opens + Festival Video

Day 58 of 365, Terry and I went to watch Karmyn, Brandon, Patrick & Leslie during their softball practice.  Patrick is my nephew who played Varsity baseball at the very park that is pictured here.  You can't see much of the park but there are the grandstand and press box.  Patrick went on to play Division 1 baseball.  He has clocked many pitching hours of practice and field time on the field above.  My daughter, Karmyn played softball.  She had opportunities to play college ball but declined.  So, she has been out of practice for about a year.  When Patrick called her to help him start up a co-ed team, she was excited.  Her boyfriend, Brandon and Patrick's girlfriend, Leslie are going to be on the team, also. 

After Terry and I went for a bite to eat, he mentioned that he wanted to swing by the practice to see how it was going.  "O' please, don't twist my arm, Terry!  I have my camera right here with me!!!"  So, I hopped out and took a few pics of the kids at practice.  It was too dark and I got alot of blur.  Then, I turned around and saw that the sun was sitting on top of the press box.  So, I got a couple sunset ball park shots.  

We have clocked many days, or entire weekends rather, from sun up to waaaay past sunset at ballparks all over this country.  We crossed through our state and traveled to neighboring states to play Fastpitch Softball EVERY weekend of the summer.  Plus, we always qualified to go to a national tournament.  For Karmyn's final tournament, we traveled to a hightly competitive, aspirational tournament in Denver, CO.  We stayed there for a week, which is typical for a big tourney.  There were so many teams.  I am can't remember the exact number, but I think I was close to 200.  We placed either 4th of 5th in that tournament.  So, this image has a personal significance to me.  Not only the location, but the time of year-Opening of Baseball & Softball Season or maybe the significance for me might be the sun's setting on our Softball days. bittersweet.    
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I created a video this morning of the beautiful faces and fun at the Spring Festival that I went to yesterday.  All of the photos are beautiful on my computer.  Although, because they were compressed as a wave file, there is distortion in the clarity of the images.  I need to check into HD quality for You Tube.   This is the first time I posted to You Tube.  Still learning stuff! 

O' well, this vid/slideshow looks absolutely beautiful in the High Definition format which I was able to view on computer.  Even though it doesn't look as good here, I still wanted to post it to my blog.  I enjoyed a beautiful sun shining day of photography yesterday.  This is what I you go!