Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Live After Five - (Concerts in BR)

Hey y'all!  I gotta tell ya something. Live after Five is coming soon!  I really, really do not want to miss any of the concerts.  They all look great.  If you are in the BR area and interested, see dates and concert scheduling info here http://www.liveafterfiveonline.com/. 

Friday Nights,....After Five,... Live,... Hope to see ya there!

Day 53 of 365, Happiness for me!

Day 53 of 365, Today's Photo Challenge Subject:  Something that makes you Happy.

Here is a very general and quick list for me.  I journal each morning and one of the things that I make sure to remember are the things that make me happy.  Writing is very theraputic.  I write about everything such as family, health, finances, future, travel, praises, reflections, memories, goals, dreams, plans, schedules, complaints, hurts, wants, wishes... the list can go on until tomorrow so I will stop there.  I recommend writing your thoughts.  Yes, it is very theraputic.  It clears your mind and focuses your attention in a specific direction.  Everyone has something to say.  Some are just more vocal than others.  But, everyone has something to say.  If no one else will listen, your journal will.

p.s.  I wish I would have centered that text better, I wish I would have lined up the brackets.  Above all, I wish I would have spell Friendships, and not left out the D!  But, someone once made a very profound statement.  They even published a book about it titled 'Don't Sweat the Small Stuff'!  To that end, with exuberance I will proclaim, "Amen & amen!".

Now, I am off on today's adventure.  Please do me a favor...be well, be blessed  & tell your loved ones how much they mean to you.  To my loved ones, I looooove you with squeezes, hugs and sloppy wet kisses on the cheek!  There you go, get excited.

This is day one of a new Photography Group that I joined.  It is called Powerful Pink Tuesday.  So, I photographed a pink party favor that I found in the gift wrap and games closet.  I hope I can keep up with the Pink theme.  When the girls were young, I had an abundance of pink paraphalia to photograph.  Not only did I join Pink Tuesday, I joined Bokeh Wednesday, Gorgeous Green Thursday & Fence Friday.  I also joined Bench Monday, but I forgot to take a picture a bench yesterday.  So, I missed participation in the Bench Monday for this week.  uh-oh!  I'll catch up next Monday, hopefully.