Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I started a new blog...

I began this blog as a way to document my daily thoughts, inspirations and photography field days and challenges.  From the original beginning of the blog, my photography has progressed for me in unexpected ways.  Nowadays, I have been posting more photo sessions than ever. So, I decided that I needed a home specifically for my portrait and wedding images.  I will continue to use this as my personal blog journal. 

I am still learning how to use WordPress so I will continue to post as I learn HTML. The link to my new site is  Check it out but remember to come back often because it is a work in progress.  I am still trying to get it all snazzy, jazzy and presentable, just the way I like it.  Oh, and if you see any misspelled words or anything that looks off to you, please drop me a comment.  I would appeciate the tips.  It is hard to proof your own stuff, ya know. 
For today, I will share a few doozies that I took of myself using the camera's self timer on a tripod.  My motivation for the self portraits was the need for a bio pic in my new blog.  Here you go.  Don't laugh too hard.

Ok, a bit off...went back to pick the tripod up a bit...

getting closer  but...I Scalped my forehead...

Hellow, out of focus...went back and set the focus point...

Watch yaself... 
Show me whatcha workin' with!  :)

After a bit of retouch, this one made the cut for my bio pic.