Tuesday, February 23, 2010

cooking w/ the cajun trilogy

Feb. 23, 2010, Self Portrait, as Emeril calls the trilogy of cajun cooking, celery, onions, bell pepper - makes everything tastes sooo delicious. Bam!

Day 46 of 365, Empty...or, Not? You decide.

Day 46 of 365, Daily Photo Challenge Subject:  Empty.
"Y'Reckon God's In This Church?"
I remembered this question scratched into the church pew of this little old historical church.  It stands on display as part of the LSU Rural Life Museum in Baton Rouge, LA. 
To the question quipped by an anonymous graffiti artist, I have a very simple one word answer. 

Omnipresent would be the operative word for me.
What do you believe?

To continue with the Empty challenge theme, I took this picture of Terry's empty cologne bottle.  I thought it needed a little masculine vibe so I added some textures that were so generously offered by Jerry Jones at http://shadowhousecreations.blogspot.com/

Reflections of Scarborough Fair

I am posting this image again to my blog because I am entering it in a fun challenge from a great blog that encourages me with inspiration and ideas. This challenge focus is HANDS -ON FUN! Check out http://iheartfaces.blogspot.com/.

{Self Portrait using 10 sec Timer}:
When I was in the 6th grade, I performed Scarborough Fair by Simon & Garfunkle as my clarinet solo. That was 33 years ago. For my first year of music, I used a clarinet that had actually been my mom's. It was an old wooden clarinet with deep, rich tones. The next year, my mom bought me a modern shiny black clarinet. This is it, 32 years later.