These are our book selections for the month of March. Brandie suggests "A Bargain for Frances" and my featured reading selection is "Amerlia Bedelia". :)
Brandie and I went to Barnes & Nobles tonight. Terry went to watch a baseball game and I wanted to go to the book store. I knew just who to call to ask if she would accompany me, my niece Brandilyn. Isn't that the prettiest name? I love it. Anyway, I knew that she would jump at the chance to go to Barnes & Nobles. She is a very, well read 10th grader. When, she picked up an interest in reading somewhere around the 4th grade, I believe, she became an avid little reader. I am quite impressed with the breadth of literature that she is familiar with. And, her acquintance with these works are not necessarily from required reading. Brandie and I have a common love for books.
As customary and reasonable, one must slide over to the in-house Starbucks to sip a little indulgence, all the while, perusing their new reading material. Oh, yeah...! We did a snooty little 'cheers' clink with the bottom edge of our drink cups then slurped it up! She ordered a Venti Mocha Frappa and I had Pomegranate Cherry Juice. We sat at a table by the window and put our heads together as we read through the 225 Baton Rouge circular. I noticed the dates are listed for Sunday in the Park beginning April 11. yay! I am planning to go to some of those concerts in the park.
We finished our drinks and decided to make one last swing through the store. Then, I remembered that I had my little Panasonic Lumix point & shoot in my purse. Of course, immediate ideas popped in my head, I would say,..."hey Brandie, go over here.. go over there..." She is such a good sport! Instead of Where's Waldo? We can play Where's Brandie?
Thanks to my sweet niece for coming to B&N with me and being such a great book buddy.