Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Today, I went to North Park. When I arrived, I looked around the landscape for something pretty. It is a pretty park but winter has stripped away the leaves leaving moss only. There is a certain beauty in that too but I just love the lush green of spring. So, I started shooting away. Eventually, I found myself at the edge of the pond and the magic of that beautiful sun's reflection on the water captured my attention. I could tell that it was time for the sun to begin its descent so I stood by and caught some beautiful images. Take a look at what an ordinary winter's day looks like as the sun sets on North Park.

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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Picking Oranges at MawMaw & PawPaw's

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Terry and his Dad are picking oranges from a Satsuma Orange Tree in his backyard. That little tree was loaded again this year! I always bring my camera when we go out to the country. Today, I watched the sunset so beautifully. I told my husband to let me take a silhouette pic of him on his 4-wheeler in front of the horizon. He was at the barn talking to his dad for a sec so I started walking out to the field. I was looking at my camera settings as I walked. My destination was just past a big huge live oak tree with big branches that touched the ground. This is where I wanted to set up for the shot. Like I said, I was not really paying attention to where I was walking but looking at my camera. Suddenly, I began to hear really loud snorts coming at regular intervals right in front of me. I kinda checked myself to see if my clothes or feet could be making the noise. nope. As I got closer to the big bushy tree branches, the snorts got louder and louder. OH MY GOODNESS! WHAT IS SNORTING AT ME?!!! I started walking backwards like a crawfish. I turned around and yelled, HELP, HELP! I didn't want to turn my back and run. I also didn't know if Terry would hear my call for help all the way across the field and above the 4-wheeler engine. He heard. He and my father-in-law came speeding over and pointed their headlights into the oak tree but did not scare up anything. The animal must have already run away. They told me that it was probably a deer after I demonstrated how it sounded. They explained how a deer snorts when they are startled.

Hey, I know wild deer are not like Bambi! What if it was a big buck with huge antlers? It could have stuck me or kicked me with its hoofs. Whew, close call man, for reals! I have never been that close to a big wild animal like that before. (except one time a rotweiller came bounding after me. All I could do was stand frozen in place and tremble because all I was imagining was meat coming off my bones!...but that is another story...where was I anyway?..back to the deer story..) yeah, that wild creature was giving me some warning snorts and I didn't want any part of that! And, dadgummit if through all that drama, the sunset of bright pink, orange and gold that I wanted to capture went away in a snap! Oh well, I got something I kinda like. You can see it as the final shot on the PICKING ORANGES slideshow.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Silent Night, Holy Night...

Christmas Eve 2009 Slaton Side

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My side of the family gathered at our house this year on Christmas Eve. We had smoked brisket, meatloaf and gravy, granny's famous potato salad, and Aunt Tracey's sweet treat specialty ice-box pie and fudges. The food and fellowship is always special when we come together. We also had a blast with Wii Sports. PawPaw and Granny got into it!

Christmas Bonfire at the Sibleys 2009

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This is my husbands' side of the family. We enjoyed roasting hot dogs and sitting around the bonfire at MawMaw and PawPaw Sibley's house. It is always a great time when we get together, lots of love and laughter. Sherie and Caleb were able to visit from Dallas so that made it even more fun & special! Caleb got a Star Wars helmet and a Bumble Bee helmet, games, legos...you name it. He went nuts. It is so much fun to have young ones to open gifts again. All the older grandkids are grown now.

Monday, December 21, 2009


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Allison takes dance lessons. I asked her to do some jumps for me. It was so dark but I finally was able to catch one jump that I liked.

Allison and Abbie in the City

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Allison is my 1st cousin's little daughter so that would make her my cousin 'once removed' right? :) Anyway, I went and picked up Allison (dark hair) and her little friend Abbie and went downtown Baton Rouge and we kicked up a good ole time. I got some cute pics that I really liked. The only problem was, we started too late and lost our daylight very quickly! Oh well, just a good excuse to do it again soon! Watch the slideshow I put together called 'girls in the city'. The song makes me wanna dance....wooo!...fine...,fine, 'JUST FINE'...wooo!!! Did you catch the hint? Yep, Mary J. Blige! This a good anthem for me and all my fellow YOUNG AT HEART chickadees out there! Hope you enjoy it and remember what it was like to be so young!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

2 min Soar Scholarship Submission

I finally put something together. This is my first video experience. I purchased Sony Movie Studio HD to edit this simple video. That program can do so much more but it will take me a little time working with it to know more. I'm proud of how this turned out because it feels like a triumph. The reason I say triumph is because I drummed up the courage and inspiration to step out and submit this video as my application submission for a scholarship. If I were one of the 3 lucky women who receive the scholarship, I would have the opportunity to learn about the photography business from esteemed professionals in the business. I have hours and hours of pictures and days worth of stories I could tell about how I became interested in photography and what inspires me. But, the requirement was a 2 min. video. This is the condensed version and final submission. There are so many wonderful video entries already submitted. I might not be chosen and that is ok. But, I knew that if I failed to submit, I would have zero chance. Anyway, here is my shot at it. I uploaded on Dec. 19, 2009.

STOP THE MADNESS! Look at that stupid face shot! Why does video always freeze on the most ridiculous and goofy look?!! Conspiracy, I say! Whatever, I don't care. I am proud of myself for trying actually.

Soar Scholarship Uncut Video Interview

Just me speaking from the heart...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What We Leave Behind

Tonight, I am watching a training video by Rick Sammon. In this particular video, he was talking about the business side of photography . Rick is the author of many, many photography books. The video that I was watching was part of the online training workshops on kelbytraining.com. Anyway, Rick was asked by an interviewer how he remains motivated to work so hard. He said he loves learning and being busy. After a slight pause he said that mostly he does it for his son. He said that someday his son will have all those picture files and that he might be able to sell a few. But, what he is really happy about is the pictures of the little moments captured of his son when he was younger. His son is now 16 but he began remembering the pics showing an earlier time when his son was riding on his shoulders in the swimming pool. Rick said that he knows that his son is going to look at all those pictures and realize that he was loved. Awwwe, now I like Rick Sammon even more~! I will have to add him to my fave blog list.

Isn't that what life is all about? What kind of memories are you making with your children? Act crazy, be goofy, be tender and mostly love those babies big and little!!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Brooke Senior 09

Brooke has the most beautiful dark red hair. I love it.

Monica Senior 09

Monica is a natural beauty.

Kara's Bridal Portraits Summer 2009

I had a great time with Kara! Jake and Kara were married on the beach so she chose a simple dress appropriate for a beach wedding. I love how her toes just skim the tall grass in the picture above.

Birthday Smilebox for my cousin Fran!

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This is a birthday card Smilebox that I made for my first cousin Frances. We grew up together and will always be like two peas in a pod.

There is a picture inside where I am dancing and she wrote back and said, 'Girrrrrrl, You still got it!' I love her for that! nah, I just love her.


Here, Josie's PawPaw is trying to show her a little bug. Sweetest days!

This is my neighbor's little grandaughter. Isn't she a doll?! !

I Spy With My Little Eye! & Lauryn at the Park

This is Lauryn. She is the most adorable spunky little girl. She is my cousin Cherie's baby and my Aunt Barbara and Uncle Johnny's grandaughter. I love to take pictures of Lauryn. You gotta just go with the flow and follow her around for some fun hi-jinx!

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Here is Clarke. He is a gorgeous, funny kid.
I spy with my little eye!

Clarke and Xaviar

These two brothers are so much fun. We captured these memories last summer. I need to go borrow them again soon! I had a blast following them around with my camera.

Clarke and Xaviar

These two boys are my cousin's children. Xaviar is the oldest. He came into the family when his mom married John. He is the most well behaved and polite little man. You can see he takes care of his baby brother Clark.

The boys have bread for the turtles.
This is a tiny little pond in the woods by their house.