Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 51 of 365, Patiently waiting for Spring

Day 51 of 365, Look at my little froggy birdbath waiting soooo patiently for spring.  Almost, little froggy, almost!
Terry and I were gone yesterday, from 'can to can't'.  We are staying home today and completely veggin' around.  While Terry is effectively working the TV remote clicker, I decided to roam around the backyard to see if I could find inspiration for my blog post. 
Anticipating Spring!  The BEST time of the year! 

Goodie, goodie, lookie, tree has leaf buds now!  And, then up pops one of those little clover flowers.  What is next?  Grass cutting season.  Getting the lawn summer ready is always fun because everyone is excited about coming out of the doldrums of winter.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day 50 of 365, 'Crossing Over'

Day 50 of 365, In an earlier post, I introduced Jeanita.  A couple days ago, mom and I met with her for lunch.  (see day 48)  Well, today was a memorial service for her husband Claude.  It was held in their home church, a beautiful old Methodist Church.  I had never been there until today.  Terry and I actually arrived just before the start of the service.  As we walked in, we were greeted by the minister in her white robe.   All of the guests in attendance were quietly seated.  The choir was in place and ready to begin.  The above picture was taken as they sang a very beautiful traditional hymn.  The service was not sad because it was a celebration of a life well lived.   My heart was so full as they were talking about Claude and the way that he lived to serve other people.  Throughout his life, he ALWAYS made the people around him feel loved and special.  He gave of his time and devotion to kids, especially, all his life.  Because he was a football FANatic, he organized and coached little league football.  There were stories told about remembrances of Coach Claude.  If he knew a child wanted to play, but their family could not afford the expenses, he found a way to raise the funds.   It was even mentioned in his eulogy that when he arrived at the emergency room, he was greeted by one of his former players who said, "Coach Claude...!"  Yes, he had a big heart and was loved by all who knew him.  He is survived by his wife Jeanita and son, Ryan & daughter-in-law, Misty.  He adored Ryan, his only son.  I remember that Claude and Jeanita were ever so so proud of their son's baseball accomplishments.  Ryan was a pitcher for his varsity baseball team and went on to play at the college level.  As a lifelong sports fan, you can just imagine how happy Claude was to follow his son through his baseball career & glory days!  Yes, today was a celebration of a life well lived and remembered.
We went back to Jeanita's parents home after the service.  Here is Jeanita in black and white greeting two long time former work colleagues as they arrived.  All three ladies, including Jeanita, were my former work co-workers as well.  In 1985, Jeanita spoke for me to her bosses.  Of course, I was In Like Flint!  Jeanita had considerable influence within the company.  She was one of  the beloved 'Lillies'!  ('Lillies' was a pet name given to the original group of ladies who worked for the founder of the company.)  I worked there for 6 years, then decided to become a stay-at-home mom after my second baby was born.  I love all three of these ladies and I had such a nice time reuniting and reminiscing with them.  As we were leaving, Terry asked me, "Do you know who those ladies remind me of?" 

Terry has always thought this...He thinks that Margie looks like Jamie Lee Curtis, Kay reminds him of Kathy Bates and Jeanita reminds him of Bette Midler.  In my opinion, he is right on the button, not only in appearance but personna as well.  Margie uses proper grammar in her speech & her dialect reminds him of  Jamie Lee Curtis.   Plus, her cute haircut makes us both think JLC, as well.  Kay is honest and straight to the point like the wonderful actress Kathy Bates.  And, Jeanita has the bold laugh, smile and personality of "the divine M", Miss Bette Midler.  Jeanita is going to be A-OK! 
When we left the fellowship, we headed to Lavonia to meet with Terry's work cohorts and their wives for dinner at Not Your Mama's Cafe & Tavern.  Food & atmosphere is super great there.  We were able to talk, laugh & comfortably visit for about two hours in this wonderful restaurant.  Those men are so funny and I loved visiting with their wives too.  There is always a funny story to be told when we get together.  We are in the first stage of perhaps putting together a group trip to Talledega in October!  Oh yeah, I am up for it & ready to roll! 

TBD..., (but I think it is going to happen). I have never gone to a Nascar Race.  So, I'm super excited!
Yippee -Yi -Yay - Coyote!!!

For today's image above, I think I will call it, 'Crossing Over'.  
I captured that image as we crossed over the Old Mississippi River Bridge.
I thought of The Bridge that Crosses the Great Divide!

Sunset on the 'Mighty Mississipp'

Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 49 of 365, Arms

Day 49 of 365, Today's Daily Photo Challenge Subject is Arms.  I thought about trying to find a barbie, or even a swing arm lamp.  Then, I remembered the picture that I had taken of the Changing of the Guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington Cemetary, Washington, DC.  The ceremony that we saw was in the middle of the day.   As time drew near for the ceremony to take place, we took a seat on the concrete benches provided for the public.  The incoming sentinal marched in at the precisely scheduled time for him to report.  The ceremonial exchange was viewed by, we, the audience.  This event occurs each and every time the standing guard is relieved of their post.  It is a somber and markedly reverant experience.  The sentinals, each wear heel taps.  As they march, the sound makes it seem more poignant.  The sentinal marches 21 steps across the black mat, makes a crisp 90 degree turn to face east for 21 seconds, then makes a crisp 90 degree turn again to face north for 21 seconds.  He then does a  "shoulder arms" movement with his rifle.  After, "shoulder arms", he continues the march of 21 steps in the other direction to start the process again.  I appreciate the opportunity to have witnessed the changing of the guard.  If interested in seeing more detailed information, a wonderful website that I found was

Here is a Baton Rouge Police Officer who had just passed me by on horseback.  I captioned this one 'Long Arm of the Law' to go along with the Subject theme.  I like how imposing the officer and horse appear from this perspective.  I thought of this picture in relation to the subject because of the powerful dynamic this image represents.  Can you see it?... 'The Long Arm of the Law'?  

I am thankful for the bravery of our good police officers who work to keep honest civillians safe. 

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 48 of 365, Dinner Bell

Day 48 of 365, Mom and I met Jeanita at Ryan's for lunch.  Mama had copied an old black and white photo of her cousin, Claude along with his brothers and parents.  Claude was Jeanita's husband.  Sadly, Claude recently passed away due to a heart attack.  Jeanita wanted Mom to enlarge the print so that it can be framed for display at his memorial service to be held Saturday.  Jeanita is doing remarkably well.  I was laughing at her silliness as we took this picture.  I handed our waitress my little point and shoot and asked her to snap the pic.  You see Jeanita's lips are pursed because she is saying "Chicken, Chicken" to the camera.  She is on the South Beach Diet.  She was on Weight Watchers but she said she is doing South Beach now because, "it's almost summer!"  She is so funny.  She has the best outlook and a gift for joyfulness.  Even though, she now has to adjust to a new way of living without her husband, she is still joyful.  I love and adore Jeanita.  I loved Claude too. 

I remember that as a sixth grader, I spent the night with Jeanita and Claude because my mom was staying at the hospital.  Mama was at the hospital because my great grandma was likely to slip away due to cancer.  The cancer came on suddenly an rabid.  It makes me so very sad that I didn't get to communicate with MawMaw Irene in those last couple weeks before she died.  She knew I loved her.  I knew she loved me too.  MawMaw loved her family and thought "the moon and stars hung on each and every one."  The night that she died, I had stayed with Jeanita and Claude, as I mentioned.  I woke up the next morning and Claude was at my side to tell me in his dear, sweet way that MawMaw was gone.  I remember this as if it were yesterday.  We loved MawMaw Irene so much.  The entire, big ole family would meet at MawMaw's for Sunday dinner.  Not just once in a while Sunday dinner, but EVERY Sunday dinner.  She cooked these big wonderful meals for all her family, three generations.  I can't even imagine doing that.  I think I am way too lazy.  But, she did.  And, she did it so happily.  If any one of her kids didn't show, it would make her so sad.  After dinner, we would roll around and hold our stomachs because we were full to the brim.  Eventually, we would all spill out onto the front porch and lawn.  Oh, it was so fun to play and run around in the front yard because the MawMaws, PawPaws, Aunts & Uncles would tell us kids how fast we could run or high we could jump.  For me, I always felt special because that's what they told me I was.  Isn't that a wonderful gift to give a child?  The feeling that they are the best, most unique, talented, athletic & special kid in the whole world?  Yeah, it was a gift that I will always treasure. 

As a little girl, my MawMaw Irene lived on a Louisiana plantation and she was raised by her Mammy.  She was stricken with polio as a child, so she wore a very tall stacked shoe and she had a serious limp.  That did not stop her at all.  She was absolutely the best!  I remember one time, Mama told her, "MawMaw, you do not have to wait on these kids."  MawMaw emphatically replied, "I will wait on them if I have to crawl."  And, that was exactly what she did.  I loved her so much and miss her still today.  

So, this is what I believe.  I believe that Claude has been reunited with his three brothers, Darrell Ray, Wayne and Harry along with his parents, Aunt Yvonne and Uncle Harry.  Plus, there is MawMaw Irene and PawPaw Jack, and other loved ones who have gone on before.  As a Christian we have a beautiful promise that gives us peace that passes all understanding..."In my Father's House there are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." John 14:2.

I wonder what a banquet table looks like in Heaven and who will be there?  Who will be waiting for you?
This dinner bell stands outside the kitchen quarters of an old plantation establishment. The plantation grounds are on display as a museum of historical artifacts in Baton Rouge, La. Back in the day, no cell phones, no IM's, no text messaging needed. When the workers heard the dinner bell, the message was delivered. Dinner was ready, so, "Come and Get It!"

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 47 of 365, seven curveS

Uploaded for Daily PHoto Challenge, Subject: Something found on the floor, Feb. 24, 2010
At first. I took the picture of the umbrella by the front door.  Then, as I backed up, I saw how the arm of that chair had a similar curve rhythm as the handle on the umbrella.  When I downloaded this image and began to work with it, I noticed a repetition of the S curve.  Can you find the seven curves?

HOLD THE PRESSES!    I just got a note from one heck of an eagle eye, nit picker...:), there are actually eight curves in this picture, not seven.  So, can you find the eighth curve?  hint:  the eight curve is a shadow on the floor cast by the umbrella stand.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

cooking w/ the cajun trilogy

Feb. 23, 2010, Self Portrait, as Emeril calls the trilogy of cajun cooking, celery, onions, bell pepper - makes everything tastes sooo delicious. Bam!

Day 46 of 365, Empty...or, Not? You decide.

Day 46 of 365, Daily Photo Challenge Subject:  Empty.
"Y'Reckon God's In This Church?"
I remembered this question scratched into the church pew of this little old historical church.  It stands on display as part of the LSU Rural Life Museum in Baton Rouge, LA. 
To the question quipped by an anonymous graffiti artist, I have a very simple one word answer. 

Omnipresent would be the operative word for me.
What do you believe?

To continue with the Empty challenge theme, I took this picture of Terry's empty cologne bottle.  I thought it needed a little masculine vibe so I added some textures that were so generously offered by Jerry Jones at

Reflections of Scarborough Fair

I am posting this image again to my blog because I am entering it in a fun challenge from a great blog that encourages me with inspiration and ideas. This challenge focus is HANDS -ON FUN! Check out

{Self Portrait using 10 sec Timer}:
When I was in the 6th grade, I performed Scarborough Fair by Simon & Garfunkle as my clarinet solo. That was 33 years ago. For my first year of music, I used a clarinet that had actually been my mom's. It was an old wooden clarinet with deep, rich tones. The next year, my mom bought me a modern shiny black clarinet. This is it, 32 years later.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Real Simple

I like the title of this magazine. The older I get, the more I appreciate the simpler things in life. I appreciate having a steaming hot cup of coffee to sip at the start my day. I appreciate the luxury of being able to write my morning pages with my little Mia on my lap. I appreciate having my parents and Terry's parents to call and talk to when I want. I appreciate my daughters, who are becoming so independent. I appreciate my husband's patience and pride in me. He allows me to follow my dreams, always. I appreciate having the finest sisters and brothers-in-love that I could ever ask for. And, I do love each and every one of them dearly. I appreciate having the best nieces and nephews too. I could squeeze and hug each one of them. They are precious to me. I appreciate having a cozy home to live in. I appreciate Terry's willingness to work hard for our family. He has always been a great husband and father. I appreciate the friends that I have made throughout my life. I appreciate my aunts & uncles. I appreciate growing up visiting and playing with my cousins almost everyday. We have always had a very close knit southern family. I appreciate my childhood. I appreciate my baby brother who grew up to tower over me physically. But, he will always be my baby brother. I appreciate my education. I appreciate my music. I appreciate my love of the arts. I appreciate my memories. I appreciate my loved ones that have passed on. I appreciate that my grandparents loved me like crazy and let me know it. I appreciate that I still have one living grandpa. I appreciate the way I was brought up. I appreciate that my parents made sure that I knew I was loved. I appreciate that my parents always believed in me. I appreciate that I have been able to allow my girls to follow their passions. I appreciate that I have been able to raise my children. I appreciate that Terry and I are quasi-empty nesters, ready to do our own thing and follow our own interests. I appreciate that one day, we might be grandparents. I appreciate my life. I appreciate my Real Simple life.

Day 45 of 365, Catch of the Day

Day 45 of 365, While visiting at my mom's, my Uncle George came over to deliver something to her and to show her his catch of the day. George goes to the fishing camp at Lake Verrett every chance he gets. Today, he caught a 25 lb. catfish. Yes, that is a 25 lb catfish! He caught this monster on an Ultra Light Ugly Stick using night crawlers for bait. He has caught about 10-15 catfish that weigh at least 15 pounds and up. Wait till you hear this...the biggest catfish he ever landed weighed in at an astromical 49 pounds. I got a picture of it somewhere. I remember that its length was up to his shoulders when he held it up.

George and his wife, Judy love to fish. Some years ago, Judy was into photography, big time! She has taken some amazing pictures of birds. My mom has a gorgeous photo of an eagle that she made. She captured a beautiful moment of my PawPaw in his boat on the lake. The picture of my PawPaw is a treasure to our family, to be sure. My PawPaw has spent his life on the lake. He and my MawMaw loved to spend time at their fishing camp together when she was alive. I used to enjoy fishing with MawMaw & PawPaw. We would stay on the lake all day. At night, when I laid my head on the pillow, the bed was rocking with the rhythm of the slapping waves. Then, when I closed my eyes, I saw my little red & white cork bobbing on top of the water. Can anybody relate?

As George was leaving, I told him that I wanted to go fishing with him one day. I want to bring my camera and catch some lake images. Perhaps, I will get to capture him landing another one of those monstrosities! He told me I could come fishing as long as I bait my own hook. I certainly will. But, I will bring my gloves. :)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 44 of 365, Country Drive

Day 44 of 365, I think Terry felt bad because he didn't take me to St. Francisville yesterday. So, he got ready and said, 'Come on. I'm in the truck.' Huh? I was minding my business (playing on flickr) when he said that. I didn't know we were going anywhere. Well, it didn't take me long. I rounded up my camera gear. Terry says, "you try to bring the World!" That means I haul all kinds of junk in, and then have to haul all that junk out of the vehicle when we get home. He puts up with it though. I realize that he humors me and lets me carry 'My World' of stuff around cuz he loves me. Anyway, we start driving and he starts complaining. He complains because he's hungry, he complains because he's burning gas, he complains because he's not doing what he wants to do, he complains because he is running out of copenhagen...that's the real problem! So, I told him to turn around and bring me home because he is making me miserable. Instead, we drive and drive. We pulled into taco bell and he got a gordita. He complained because there were too many people at Taco Bell at 2 pm. According to him,they should have eaten already. duh,... hello! Terry, you are at Taco Bell too! Goodness, gracious that man is so insufferable sometimes! Finally & Thankfully, after he got a couple tacos, he cooled his jets a bit.

We drove and drove until we ended up in Maurepas. I was able to take some shots of the river and the camps. Then, we went to the Waterfront at the Diversion Canal. I didn't get a taco earlier. So, I was starting to get hungry. I asked him if we could stop at Kevin's Seafood Restaurant. Of course, I didn't have to twist him arm. We did go to Kevin's. I can hardly talk about the good meal that we had because I am still stuffed. We enjoyed the fried bowtie pasta with spinach & artichoke dip. He also ordered crawfish boudin balls as an appetizer. Truthfully, we could have stopped there. Those two appetizers were delish! I was kinda chilly because it was an overcast dampish kind of day. So, I chose to order the seafood gumbo. He got what they called the cajun platter. Oh, I think I hurt myself. To top it off, Terry ordered strawberry cheesecake and 2 coffees. Too Indulgent, but Too Good to pass up! I am going to get on the treadmill after I finish this posting. Roll me Out!!!

So, on our way home, I told him I wanted to try to capture a derelict barn or abandoned house. My reasoning was that I wanted to try to use some textures to create a ghostly or haunted image. I had just gotten some new textures to play with. Besides that, just this morning the girls made me tell Trevor about the paranormal activity that happened around here. Indeed, I do have a ghost story to tell. But, I will fill you in on that one a little later when I think you can handle the spooooky truth......! I'm not kidding. Here are a few images that I tinkered around with. My fave is the old dirt road. About old dirt road, one of my flickr friends, ...Shirley CR said:
"That looks like a scene from a horror book, great photo!"
and my other good buddy, Jack Andreasen says:
"It looks like a spooky walk home late at night! Awesome!"

Yay! their comments were flattering. No, I am not going to the dark side. I am just experimenting to see what I can achieve.

abandoned in the country

andoned in the country, originally uploaded by michelle*sibley

barn and fence

barn and fence, originally uploaded by michelle*sibley.

This is certainly not a derelict barn. I used this one because every time I saw a barn or something that I would like to capture, Terry zoomed on past. There is no turn around gear on his truck if you know what I mean! So, finally I got this picture and put some rough texture on it. I have a long way to go to become proficent in photoshop. I am having fun playing around with it for now.

p.s. I am complaining about Terry's complaining but I really had a good time. I actually love to hang out with him. We just enjoy getting on each other's nerves!

old dirt road

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 43 of 365, 2004 DERBY CHAMPION

Day 43 of 365, I went to Mom and Dad's house. I had wanted to go to St. Francisville today because there was an event going on that I was interested in. Terry told me we could go. First, he wanted to watch something on tv. Well, by 4 or 5 pm, we still had not left the house. I picked up my keys and phone and told him I was going to find something to take a picture of. I need a blog post for goodness sakes!

Here I go, driving my car. No direction. No idea where to go. I really wished that Terry was with me. So, I was driving along. hohum....dumdedummmm...I didn't want to go far from home. I ended up turning down my parent's street and went to visit with them for a bit. It was getting late so I asked Mama if she had any ideas for my blog. We thought a few seconds. I noticed some cool figurines. I had seen them a million times before, but I thought..hey, photograph her collection! yes! I was onto something. The only problem I had was lack of lighting. I went ahead and put my camera on the tripod and we lined up her Musical Melodies collection that she has had for about 6 years. While we were working with that, daddy came along said, "You can take a picture of my award!" He was holding his trophy belt buckle so proudly. I told him that I would like to take a picture of it when we were finished. After we put away the Musical Melodies, I asked Dad to hold the buckle so that I could take a picture. I am so glad that I did get this picture. It means alot to him, therefore, it means alot to me too. When I got home, I realized just as I suspected, I needed more light on the figurines. I talked to Mom and we are going to work on getting some really sharp pictures at a later date. So, that will be a blog post to come... As for this post, I have a subject....My Daddy's Derby Champion Buckle!

Daddy is a hunter from way back. All my life, I have heard this phrase, "I am headed to the woods." Then, we see a rolling plume of dust behind his truck tires after he throws it in drive and punches the gas. Off he goes! At one time, he was owner of a 500 acre hunting camp. He always referred to the camp as 'The Fox Pen'. This is where men would bring their Fox Hounds and turn them loose at night to run the fox. Those hunters love to listen to the dogs barking and bawling as they follow the scent of the fox. Hunters can identify their dogs by the sound of their bark. It is pretty amazing. I remember one bumper sticker that said, "When the tailgate drops, the BS stops." That is funny huh? But, that just about sums it up. Those guys get together and yack it up about how their dog is the greatest of all time. But, when they drop their truck tailgates, the dogs are off and running and the best dog wins the race!

My dad entered his Walker Fox Hound dog named Cricket in a Fox Hunt Field Trial in Enon, LA. A field trial is a judged event by standers (men keeping score) on the trails. They score the dogs by watching where the fox crosses and whichever dog is leading on the fox trail, gets high score. The numerous scorekeepers come together when the field trial fox hunt is considered over so they can tally their high scores. On this particular hunt, Daddy's Cricket took 1st place and became the 2004 DERBY CHAMPION of the Southeastern Louisiana Hunter's Association. They presented him with a very valuable silver trophy belt buckle as 1st place award to the champion.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 42 of 365, Roses are Red

Day 42 of 365, Self Portrait, I took the two pictures below of my climbing rose bush. It is full of little leaves now because it is getting ready to bud soon. That rose bush is very prolific with roses throughout the year and is super hardy. It was started from a cutting from my brother-in-law's dad's rose garden.

This will be a rose one day soon.
Does this remind you of the the song "Every rose has it's thorns"? Those prickly little devils look like shark teeth to me. And, I have been stuck many times.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 41 of 365, Stave off Winter Colds

Day 41 of 365, I went to the produce stand. Here I am picking Tangelos. I set my camera in the pears and pressed the self timer to get this. I was not going to keep propping my camera up on all the fruit to try to get a descent pic. So, this is it. I have not been feeling well for the last couple weeks. That is why I have not been motivated to take pics of myself. ugh! My ear hurts every morning probably from a sinus infection. I really need to just go to the doctor and get it over with or try to pump up with Vitamin C!

Today's daily photo challenge Subject: Something from your Medicine Cabinet. I chose to photograph Ester-C. My mom and dad have been eating tons of the citrus fruit that is grown locally. I am referring to what are called satsumas, a small orange. They are super sweet and extremely easy to peel. One day, she said that she thought the reason they have not caught a cold was because they ate so many satsumas. If we can't eat tons of satsumas, we can at least take Ester-C to help stave off those winter colds.

My PawPaw John swears by garlic's medicinal properties. Garlic has long been considered an herbal "wonder drug", with a reputation in folklore for preventing everything from the common cold to the Plague! It is also said to be an effective mosquito repellant. Go figure!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 40 of 365, Remembering both MawMaws

Day 40 of 365, Today's photo Subject: Size of a Pin. I decided to take a picture of my Byetta pen. I began using Byetta because I am insulin resistant. I think that is a term that I use because I really wish to deny the term diabetic. Both of my grandmothers had diabetes. Both of them died due to a massive coronary when I was 18. Yes, both died in the same year of my life. It was a very sad year for our family. They were very different women but I loved them both the same.

Maw Maw Lena was a very gentle, soft spoken lady. She always wore house dresses. I never saw her in a pair of pants. She gardened, she read her bible and attended church every Sunday. She loved her home church and congregation. My cousin, Barbara and I would love to spend the night with her. She would let us part her hair down the middle. Barbara on one side and I on the other, and we rolled her hair. We had those curlers and pins going in every direction but Maw Maw said it was perfect! MawMaw never had much in terms of worldly possessions, but she possessed the love of her huge family. Get togethers at her house was a crowded room of people sitting/standing shoulder to shoulder in her little house. But, that little house rocked with love and laughter. I remember Mama coming into my room and telling me to wake up because they had just received word that MawMaw had died. My aunt and her two children lived with MawMaw at that time. They said that she had fixed a cup of coffee for herself and turned around to get sugar. Then, she checked out of this world and went to the feet of Jesus. I will see my sweet MawMaw again someday. She was poor on earth but she is walking on streets of gold! I loved her and she loved everyone.

MawMaw Ethel was my other grandma. She was a fun lovin', laughin', boisterous cajun lady. She could cook like 'nobody's business' as we say down south. Her cookin' will "make you wanna slap ya Mama!" I remember that she used to keep those Big Giant Sized glass bottles of Coca Cola at her house. My brother and I would treat ourselves to coke and sliced cheese parties when we were supposed to be sleeping. Maw Maw said she knew this because she found the cheese wrappers all over the top of the bed. Isn't it funny how something so silly would stick in your memory bank? MawMaw loved to play cards with her weekly card group, fishing with PawPaw at their Lake Verrett camp, sewing, crafts & shopping. She lived large. I was at work when I received the call that MawMaw Ethel had been taken to the hospital. I got to the hospital before she died but could not get in to see her. She was getting ready to be transported to a larger hospital. I think she died on the way. Before she died, she gave me a 1/2 carot cluster diamond ring. She told me that when I look at the ring, remember that I wore her heart. She also made for me a crocheted afghan. When I look at those stitches, I know she was thinking of me as she worked on her labor of love. I am counting on seeing both of my grandmas one day. What a reunion it will be!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 39 of 365, City Hall & Signs of Spring

America, Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.
Dear Lord, please let our freedoms continue to ring!
Here is our American Flag over the flag of my home state, Louisiana.
I have been wanting to go take a picture of the recently renovated City Hall. They did a very nice job with the restoration. I would like to have gone inside but decided to wait for another day.I went to a city park and saw this little rake left abandoned on the ground.
Think spring...
Then, I noticed these little camelia petals that dropped under the tree.
Think spring...Lastly, a bird landed on this fence. I picked up my camera and it flew away. I stood like a statue waiting for another bird to come along. It didn't. So, I took a picture of the fence. The fence shadow looks like Mississippi. You know, M-I- crooked letter, crooked letter, -I-, crooked letter, crooked letter -I-, hump back, hump back, -I-!
Think spring!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 38 of 365, Wii Fit

Have you ever done any of the wii fit plus games? They are actually fun. I purchased wii fit plus along with the balance board right before Christmas. I had not even played it until Trevor came over last weekend. He got on the balance board and found out what his fitness age was. I was not about to get on that darn board, at least not in front of anybody. I still have not done my profile yet. I think I will do that tomorrow. I want to do it, but don't want to. Know what I mean? I really need to start exercising. Kayla told me that Tracie J. was getting in shape.

Hey Tracie, Holla!!! You go girl. Slim in 6 must be doing the trick, huh?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day 37 of 365, Seeing Red on Valentine's Day

Today, I didn't really do much. I woke up and my ear was hurting, I was still tired. We had spent the entire day yesterday in Baton Rouge doing the Mardi Gras Mambo. Later in the evening, Terry asked me if I bought him some Valentine's Day candy. I think he was hoping against all hope. He knew I didn't have any valentine treats. Exasperated he asked, 'No Candy No Card, No Nothing?!!!' No, I said. I knew he was trying to make me feel bad so I asked him, 'No Candy, No Card, No Nothing?!!!' Nope, none for me either. Both of us forgot about the whole darn thing. Obviously, candy is the last thing either of us need. Although at that point, I think he was probably wishing for some delicious chocolate. oopsie! I forgotsie!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 36 of 365, 2 Mardi Gras Parades, Spanish Town & Poseidon

I took this picture of Terry as he was capturing pics of the parade. Doesn't he look tall? He was so lucky because he could see over the top of most people's heads. I on the other hand didn't stand a chance. So, I typically stuck my camera up in the air and hoped that I was getting a shot of something.

Between parades, Spanish town & Krewe of Poseidon, I saw a group of little boys catching the football. I suddenly became so entertained by them. The little guys were on one end and the big guys (dads) were on the other. It looked like they were playing 'keep away football'. I started shooting away trying to capture some of the spirit of the all out fun they were having. As I was taking a picture of the boys, Terry took my picture. Here I am in my element. The boys, big and little, knew they were being photographed so can you say 'hot doggin'?

Here is a 90 sec slideshow with music of the Spanish Town Parade. Pause playlist at upper right sidebar.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 35 of 365, Look UP for a new perspective.

Our daily photo challenge today was to turn our camera straight up and shoot. I went to the post office to get my mail. I decided to try to shoot straight up the flagpole that holds our American Flag. I was having fun trying to catch the flag at a point where it would be best seen from this low perspective. I looked up and a few people were watching me from the glass window of the post office. I smiled and waved. :)

The weather forecast had been showing that snow was coming in on Friday night. Well, we started getting snow at around 6:30 am. The early morning local news were all a buzz with video of the heavy snow falling. People were sending in their snow pictures and they were posting school and street closures. They reported that the BR Sheriff's Office was sending home all 'non essential' personnel. non essential? who is not essential? ?? I know, I know. It just sounds funny. Anyway, the excitement about the snow was palpable. When I talked to mom a little later that morning, I told her I was going to Sam's to get some sandwich stuff in case we get snowed in and lose power. She said she wanted to ride with me. I was already on the road, so I pulled into Amite Baptist Church parking lot to wait for her. While I was waiting, I saw the beautiful stained glass on the outside of the old sanctuary. I jumped out of the car and shot straight up again. While I took this pic, I had sleet falling on my head.
As the snow was falling, Karmyn looked out the window and I heard her say, 'It looks like Colorado!' Yes, it was exciting for a few hours because it was actually snowing hard. As soon as the sun popped out, it all melted away. I imagine all the 'non essentials' didn't complain because they got a free day off.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 34 of 365, Working with Art Layers and Textures

My first attempt at art layers. I have a way to go before I am a photoshop pro. This is my beginning.

I took these pics of THE ADORABLE MR. COLE last weekend(see his birthday smilebox below). I have just learned how to add layers for the first time. I know that I am way behind the curve on this. I can watch a video tutorial and think, yeah, I got it. As soon as I open my image, I'm lost. Anyway, I know there is a whole new world of creativity that will open up for me if I could tap into even the shallow end of the world of layering.